println!("hello, world");

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

println!("hello, world");


2 min read


This is the first of hopefully more-than-one post blog. It's been long pending, but now I have a place to pen down my thoughts and experiments with code. I plan to write every month (or twice a month, if possible), about the technologies I've experimented with, and my learnings.

Hi there! I'm Arihant. I'm an undergrad engineering student at BITS Pilani, India. I was fortunate enough to be exposed to programming early in middle and high school. That shaped my career choices and led me to where I am today. I've been passionate about tech for as long as I can remember, curious to learn more about how these magical machines called computers work, and how I can alter their behavior.

I've experimented with building desktop applications with Java, scripting with Python, web development with JavaScript, deep learning with PyTorch and Jax, and recently blockend development with Solidity and Rust.

I aim to write posts regularly on this blog. Mainly to,

  1. Enhance and document my learning

I've learnt and forgotten a lot of technologies. I had experimented with GraphQL and built a blogging application with it about a year ago but recently when I tried using it again, I was completely blank. If you don't use it, you lose it, obv! So when I inevitably lose it, hopefully I'll at least be able to peruse it in my "blogs." And then, you know, put it back into use!

I've also found from past experience that teaching/explaining concepts and ideas is one of the single best ways to learn something and solidify it. It helps iron out the nitty gritty details of something you only know at a surface level or you thought you knew. It can help reveal quirks and flaws that you would have otherwise never encountered.

  1. Improve my writing skills

I suck at writing. I want to improve my writing. I hope writing down my thoughts bi-monthly would help improve my writing gradually. I will read other's technical blogs as well, to learn more about tech and writing.

  1. Help me keep accountable

The looming threat of writing a blog post every fortnight would help keep me accountable to my routine of learning. Otherwise I would have no material to write about. I hope this works.๐Ÿคž

I've already written way more than I expected to for my first post. Stay tuned for the next post.

Connect with me anytime to offer feedback, ask questions, or just say hello ๐Ÿ‘‹.
